The Office

In the television world, there seems to be so much of the same monotonous crap!! Reality shows that have absolutely nothing to do with reality, BRILLIANT!! Ever since the days of Seinfeld, I have been yearning for another creative comedy. Something that seems to tickle your fancy every episode. Something you have been waiting for. Sitcoms continue to pop up everywhere only to cause you to pull your hair out and gnash your teeth, trying to figure out How in all of God's green earth could a show like this get air time? I had virtually lost all hope, until I was introduced to The Office.
Jordan first showed me a couple of episodes from the British version. I thought they were amusing, but not funny enough to be drawn in continuously. It was actually not until a few episodes into the second season did a guy from work say that I had to see this show. So, I decided to watch it and give it a chance. It was on that evening that my life changed. It was absolutely hilarious. Each character had his or her own personality that had me rolling with laughter. I was hooked and have been ever since. I have all 6 episodes of the first season on my Ipod. I actually look forward to Thursday nights just to watch the next episode. Hilarious. I can only hope they keep this show around for a long time. But, knowing the history of television here in America, it will probably be cancelled for the premier of Survivor 10: The plains of Kansas. God help us all. Anyway, take some time out on a Thursday night and tune in to NBC at 9:30. It just may give you hope again that there just might be writers in the Television business who still have a sense of humor. Hooray for The Office!
Amen with the reality shows. I would certainly act differently if I had a camera in my face all the time. Though it may make me sound like an english teacher, I thought this post was very well written and humorous, especially the bit about Survivor 10: The Plains of Kansas. Were I a better blogger, I would write out my laughter (ie. haha, tehe, tralala, etc.) but I will not stoop to this level. I want to try Odysseus with your harmonica and I want the Filling the Void demos for album 2 because I really do like them, they get stuck in my head and Jordan's lyrics have made their way into conversations several times, all to rave reviews. So keep up the good work fellas.
The Office, yes it is good T.V. I must say, however, when I heard about an American version of my favorite British comedy show(though the Might Boosh comes close) I was very skeptical. But the American version is good, and it has its own identity independant from the English gem. So here's to the gang at Dunder Mifflan!
And John, Thanks for the big up's for FTV. We too, eagerly await your next single, and a clearer end of the world recording.
The only thing funnier than watching the Office is working in one.
I think i will write some proverbs and this will be one.
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