The Impossibility of Objectivity
WARNING: I include some spoiler coments in this blog that might ruin the film for you. If you are interested in watching the film, do so first before reading my blog.
I recently borrowed the film "V for Vendetta" from a friend at work. This guy liked the movie alot and wanted me to watch it so I did. The best part was I had been talking to Jordan about the movie and how much he hated it. So this was my chance to create a good discussion about the movie since I would now be able to see it for myself. My conclusion after viewing the movie was a little different than my friend, Jordan. I did not hate it. There were parts I liked and parts I didn't. I enjoyed watching it, however, because it was thought-provoking for me. Now I know I am not as intellectual as my friend, Jordan, so maybe that explains why it did so much more for me than him. What I liked about the film was the underlining point, yes Jordan, I do believe this movie had an underlining point. And that is that we should question authority and the ideals of oppression, manipulation, discrimination that can become apparent in government. We should not go through life blindfolded and fooled into thinking that government has our best interest at heart because it doesn't! In fact, we should stand up and fight for what we believe in. I want to be at the point where if the government said I couldn't worship Christ anymore or I would die, I would be able to gladly go to my death in public protest of an oppresive government. I believe this was the main point of this film, so in that I aggree. Where I disaggree is the subtle contradictions that Hollywood is oh so guilty of whenever they are making movies with a clear agenda behind it. For example, this movie, as I have stated before, is about conquering oppression, manipulation, and discrimination. Yet, the character who portrays a ruthless and diabolical dictator is portrayed as a Christian. There are several quotes, symbols, and scenes that make this clear. It is hard for me to endorse or recommend a film that blatantly discriminates against Christians, saying that Christians are all oppressive and close-minded people. Interesting that a movie with an agenda against discrimination would discriminate against a belief that many people have. Another example is the main character V. In the movie, he is the freedom fighter for justice and vengeance against the government. He is fighting against everything the government stands for: oppression, discrimination, and manipulation of the people. Yet, in one scene, he, in fact, manipulates Natalie Portman's character to conquer her fear. He puts her through hell to try and bring her to where he is mentally. These types of flaws only destroy the very agenda the movie was trying to get across. So, I would say that I aggree with my friend Jordan on most points. No, I don't think this movie is right on or think that it is full of truth. But I also don't believe it was a waste of time. I believe this movie can cause us to open our eyes to the reality and danger of an oppressive government. But more importantly, I believe it can show us that objectivity cannot exist. What may begin as a neutral story can turn into propaganda faster than you can blink! Because the reality is that we are all humans with our own opinions and perspectives on things. So when we set out to tell everyone the way things should be or the way things could be, our own contradictions will come back to bite us showing that we really had our own agenda all along. That we were only really concerned with one side of the story. In the end, the government is made up of people just like you and me, with different opinions and ideas on things. In the end, I think we will find that alot of the things we hate, the things we feel we must stand up and fight bitterly against, are in fact apart of us as well!!!

By the way, sorry to everyone for not writing in a while. Times are hectic right now, but I am back on the grind now, so expect more posts at a closer rate in the near future!!
Your right Brent, it is important to question our government. No one should just do something because the government says so. In fact there has most likely never been a government that wasn't in some way oppressive, but the question of how to deal with this, in my opinion, all too obvious fact, is never answered well.
But thank you for your post, and though I may often disagree I always enjoy hearing your opinion and I respect it greatly.
God Bless.
I have to say that I enjoyed the movie, and before reading your post I thought that I would end up disagreeing with you quite a bit. However, the points you brought up I thought were very valid and I agree with almost all of them. It is true that the film is not-so-subtle about it's agenda against the current administration. However, as an entertaining film that was at least mildly thought-provoking, I thoroughly enjoyed it. We oughta hang out and talk about living situations. I'm gone till Thursday or so, but I'll give you a call when I'm back.
I didn't read your whole blog, because I am at least mildly interested in seeing the movie, but I did read the last line, and it reminded me of something I heard one time, that the thing we hate in other people are the things we hate in ourselves. It sounds cliche, but the more I've thought about it the more it makes sense. I thought about that at lunch yesterday, but didnt really want to get involved with that conversation.
Brent you should check out "The End of the Spear".
I say we should question everything even your blog.
I aggree, Todd, you should question my blog. If you didn't than there would be something seriously wrong with you. I have heard good things about that movie, so I will check it out.
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