Un Memento, Por Favor!!

My friend, John, let me borrow the movie, Memento, the other day because I had been asking to borrow it for awhile. I had heard alot of things about it, so it intrigued me. Anyway, I don't really want to talk about it in too much detail for fear of spoiling it for someone else. The point I do want to talk about is something I picked up from the film. One key point that I feel was expressed in this movie is the power of the mind and what control it has over us. Basically, if we condition ourselves enough to believe in something or someone, eventually whether true or false, it will become true for us. The one thing I will say about the movie is that the main character has short-term memory loss. He can remember his past, but can't remember a conversation he had 5 minutes ago. So, in essence, he can't make any memories or really retain anything unless he writes it down. The things he does write down become fact for him regardless of who gave him that information. Now I'm not saying we all have short-term memory loss. But I am saying that we often can justify our actions simply by what we have told ourselves over and over again. It becomes true to us and therefore very real. This, of course, opens us up to deceit, manipulation, and blindness to actual truth. Without something to truly stand on, to ground your faith in, this state is unavoidable. After all, we are like leaves, tossed to and fro by the wind. We can't allow ourselves to be fooled by our minds. I recommend this film. I think it does a good job of portraying this message, as well as, people using others for their own benefit. If you can handle the language, than I would encourage you to check it out.
Glad you enjoyed it. I actually mainly really like your title. You clever, clever man. Let's record something in a bit. Week long band camp without the boring people or awkward camp relationships. Woo hoo!
Dude, I would love to start recording soon. I would definitely like to be there when you guys record too, for moral support and "bad-ass harmonica playing". Thanks for the comment
I love that movie. Yep thats all.
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