Tuesday, September 12, 2006


Well, it seems like it has been light-years since we recorded our last album. And now, we are finally getting to the point where we can release another album to the public. I am very excited. I think the best thing about it is the experience of being frustrated together as a band. Recording always takes alot of time and energy and can defintely push us to the limit. I can proudly say that we survived alot better this time than the last time. Pray for me this weekend, as I am going to lay down the vocals. I hope it turns out good. I really like this record and I think it will bless alot of people. I think we, as a band, have improved alot since our last CD and, although, I like the old songs, these songs have more substance to them both lyrically and musically. Hopefully we can get a few shows lined up soon and start playing live again. It's always exciting to see what the future holds so we'll see. Almost There is also getting ready to record their next album. John Knight asked if I would play Harmonica on the new album and of course I said yes. I feel honored to be apart of their lives as individuals as well as share in their musical abilities. Looking forward to hearing their new stuff. By the way, if anyone knows of a cool title for the album, let us know. Jordan opened up discussion on a title on his blog, so I want to open it up as well. That's about it for now. Thanks to everyone who has supported us along the way and helped out with our bands' endeavors. Much Love!! DA BEARS!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brent, it joys my heart to see your spirit of sacrifice! Chicago will do well without you, and more importantly, you will do well without Chicago... or is that why you requested prayer? Either way, I am stoked about the vocals! You listen to that Filling the Void Karaoke CD and study up. Get those pipes nice 'n tuned for saturday. Later homes. Enjoy Mae tonight... if thats possible...

5:14 PM  
Blogger A and J said...

I enjoyed being frustrated with you too. That is a good thing to enjoy because there is so much of it in this world. I could even get biblical with it, Romans chapter 8 says that the world was subjected to frustration, well it doesn't say that exactly but I think thats a pretty good paraphrase. Anyway its good for us to suffer through things to together, at the risk of sounding cheesy it can only bring us closer together. God bless.

6:32 PM  
Blogger Brent Hitman said...

Kellen, As usual, it is time to take the foot out of your mouth. Why do you speak of which you know nothing about? I won't be missing the Chicago game, I will be missing the Michigan/Notre Dame game. College not Pro. What else ya got, Wonder Boy! Just kidding. I'm stoked too. Hopefully, everything will go smoothly. Cup of Coffee has been difficult to work with, but we'll see.

3:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Always a blessing to be part of your music as well. I remember "re-meeting" Jordan at a camp in Santa Cruz and talking about how we both were in the formative stages of our bands. I was interested in hearing you guys, but honestly didn't envision our music working well together, or even being that appealing to me. And I was quite pleasantly surprised! Keep up the excellent work, and thank you for taking an interest in our simple music, as well as all of our lives. (That's for the whole band). Now wipe the tears from your eyes and get back to rocking!

9:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


10:35 AM  

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