Monday, November 20, 2006

Filling The Void, no more?

Well, for those of you that know or care, Filling the Void has been quiet for awhile. We have a new Cd, in which small changes have to be made, but we all are looking forward to getting it out there. As for Filling the Void, we are putting it to bed for the time being. Although it is sad that we are breaking up as a band, we still love each other and know that it is solely due to personal differences related to the musical direction of the band. Right now, Kellen, Ben, and myself have talked about doing a side project, an acoustic band, at least until we talk more about the possibility of getting another drummer and starting FTV back up again. I really don't want to rush out and get a drummer right now. I know the guys are upset we haven't played a rock show in a long time, but we are a close-knit group that started from our church within and I'm not ready to bring someone from the outside in who we don't know. Besides, I like the idea of starting an acoustic band. I think it would be fun. We'll see, anyways, I just wanted to let you all know the status of our band and what has been going on. Thank you to everyone who supported us and loved us throughout these past 3-4 years, I think it has been that long. Know that you were appreciated. FTV is not dead, just asleep. We will wait and see what God does in the future. If we do go ahead with the side project, we will let you know the name of our band as soon as we get one. Also our last FTV release, hopefully, will be available soon to everyone. Thank you to Kellen, Ben, and Jordan for a memorable experience. You guys rock!! On another note, I'm trying to fight back a cold and it sucks. Hope it goes away soon. Later.


Blogger Harrison said...

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11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Obviously you should get Jordan's permission, but even if you start another band, I think you should still play some of the FTV songs. Because as I see it, they're yours too, since you all did the music. Plus, as a new band, you won't have too many songs to draw from. And if you feel like any'll be around.

11:01 PM  
Blogger Brent Hitman said...

Thank you John. We will definitely be playing FTV songs. Thank you for the piano offer. I'm sure we will be needing some piano on some tracks. We have already talked as a band, and Jordan even said he would continue to contribute lyrics, if we wanted. Pretty cool. Later.

4:29 PM  

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