The difficulty of Faith
I am often so amazed at how God uses anything to speak to us when we need it most. It seems like when I am struggling with something, He always is speaking to me louder than ever, even when I try to ignore him. Especially when I am trying to avoid it, He always seem to hit me the hardest when I least expect it. For example, I have been struggling alot lately with Faith and what it means to trust God wholeheartedly with everything in your life. I have also been struggling with how to share my struggles with the ones I am close to, as well as when I am on stage playing a show. Faith is so big and important to all my decisions in life. It has such an impact on our emotions and feelings, so when your battling with your faith, it can be a weighty burden. But God continues to amaze me with the ways he speaks. As some of you may know, my favorite band is Counting Crows. They have had such an impact on my life with their music, it has literally changed the way I viewed music and its importance to us, as humans. I have been moved by their songs many times before, but God used them and a personal friend to hit me even more. A couple days ago, John Knight gave me a copy of some of the songs the Crows did for an episode of VH1 storytellers. It was awesome because you get to hear about the authors feelings and reasons as to why a certain song was written. What hit me in particular was Adam Duritz's (the lead singer and writer for the band) comments before the song, "Angels of the Silences". He basically said that the song was about faith and his personal struggles with faith in himself, God, and other people. He went on to add that Faith is a real difficult and scary thing because its about waiting. Your basically hanging yourself on a ledge of a fence and waiting for what's to come. Hearing that from Adam was amazing. It was so encouraging to relate to his struggles and to see him open up to the audience with his feelings and struggles. I had to praise the Lord for getting through to me in way I never thought possible. Thank you John for sharing this with me, it was just what I needed. I hope they come out with it on DVD soon. Needless to say, my faith was strengthened through the words of a non-believer, but someone I admire none the less, in a powerful way. Thank you Heavenly Father for having grace on me enough to break through this thick shell to my aching heart that so desperately needs you.