Saturday, August 26, 2006

Saying Goodbye to new music Tuesday's

Alright. That's it!!! I give up. Sadly, I have decided to retire new music Tuesday's as a part of my blog site for good. I have lost all desire to bring good music to the people when all that seems to be coming out is CRAP. I made my decision upon seeing Justin Timberlake's new CD. It has a parental advisory sticker on it. I guess he has a poddy mouth now. If there ever was an assasination attempt that needed to be carried out, it's this. But I guess that we can all rest peacefully knowing that the same Timberlake who captured our children's hearts with the joyous sounds of Nsync now is giving them Future Sex lessons on how to really use those organs they don't know about yet. Thanks Justin. You are a true American Hero! Anyway, I have to change subjects or else I will go into an endless rant. Which is what I'm doing now except hopefully it will have an end. So with that said, New Music Tuesdays are over. Of course, I'll talk about some major Cd's that I see on websites coming out, but no more research or looking at the Best Buy ads. It pisses me off too much.
Now that football season is here, I will be doing weekly analysis on the match-ups team for team. I would not say I am an expert or anything, but I know the game and I have pretty good knowledge of the 32 teams in the NFL. So if you care at all, you can look forward to that. I will also try and do some college games for the hardcore fans out there. Thats all for now. PEACE!

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Un Memento, Por Favor!!

My friend, John, let me borrow the movie, Memento, the other day because I had been asking to borrow it for awhile. I had heard alot of things about it, so it intrigued me. Anyway, I don't really want to talk about it in too much detail for fear of spoiling it for someone else. The point I do want to talk about is something I picked up from the film. One key point that I feel was expressed in this movie is the power of the mind and what control it has over us. Basically, if we condition ourselves enough to believe in something or someone, eventually whether true or false, it will become true for us. The one thing I will say about the movie is that the main character has short-term memory loss. He can remember his past, but can't remember a conversation he had 5 minutes ago. So, in essence, he can't make any memories or really retain anything unless he writes it down. The things he does write down become fact for him regardless of who gave him that information. Now I'm not saying we all have short-term memory loss. But I am saying that we often can justify our actions simply by what we have told ourselves over and over again. It becomes true to us and therefore very real. This, of course, opens us up to deceit, manipulation, and blindness to actual truth. Without something to truly stand on, to ground your faith in, this state is unavoidable. After all, we are like leaves, tossed to and fro by the wind. We can't allow ourselves to be fooled by our minds. I recommend this film. I think it does a good job of portraying this message, as well as, people using others for their own benefit. If you can handle the language, than I would encourage you to check it out.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

His Banner over me is Love.

I have been fascinated with Native Americans ever since I can remember. When I was a kid, I used to watch these old Westerns with my dad and I remember feeling sad for the Indians whenever they would die in the movies. I think as I grew older, I became more intrigued not only because of the rich history behind them, but also the idea of living completely wild on God's creation without any roads or steel or technology. Just you and the wild frontier. I think there is something truly beautiful in that life. I believe it helped the natives to see much more clearly that life was definitely bigger than just them. I recently finished a book I borrowed from my grandfather called, "Indian Wars: The Campaign for the American West". I thoroughly enjoyed it and highly recommend it to everyone. The beauty of this book is it is void of any ideology and slant. The author, Bill Yenne, takes a neutral stance, giving you the facts and letting you decide the possible injustices behind the events. The book covers most of the major wars that started when the first settlers arrived on the East Coast, to final wars on the Southwestern front. It also includes many important figures who played important roles for both the military and the different tribes. For myself, I tend to lean towards the Indians side. Now, I am not saying that Indians were this "peace-loving people" who were in perfect harmony before the evil "White Man" came in and screwed it all up. That is simply not true. Indians were hostile towards one another long before any white man showed up on North America. There were many raids that were very violent and gruesome on villages just to prove that one tribe was more dominant. The Apache's were known for raiding settlers and tribes just to gain supplies. I guess I am more frustrated with the attitudes and actions of my ancestors, the europeans. They came to a land completely foreign to them where natives had lived for thousands of years before them. They proceeded to call it their own, establish towns, establish their own government, religion, and laws. Indians were simply, "Ignorant Savages" who were in the way of their prosperity and agenda. Indians didn't believe the land was theirs to claim, but it belonged to "The Great Spirit" and He was giving it to them to live on. So, here they see this foreign people come in with a flag and claim the land as their own meanwhile trying to push them out, something is not right. Many people tried to convert the Indians to their form of Christianity. When they didn't convert, many were killed. Also, many politicians view of Indians was seen in their laws and legislation passed. In 1830, Our seventh president, Andrew Jackson, who's face is on our twenty dollar bills, enforced a law he put into practice entitled, "The Indian Removal Act". Not a joke, that is really what it was called. It was a federal law that called for the relocation of all Indians living east of the Mississippi river. What has been described as "The Trail of Tears", hundreds of thousands of Cherokee, Choctaw, Creek, Seminole, and Chickasaw Indians were forced to walk hundreds of miles to a reservation in what is now eastern Oklahoma. Not to mention, the many massacres that happened simply because of poor communication or a willingness to get rid of the natives. One such example is the massacre at Sand Creek, which is actually quoted in the Five Iron Frenzy song, "Banner Year". Many Chiefs were against making treaties with the White Man, but one Chief of the Cheyenne on the Northern Plains wanted peace for his people at any cost. His name was Black Kettle. In 1864, Black Kettle, going against many other chiefs, agreed to move his people to a reservation nearby and change their way of life from hunting to farming. He didn't want to do it, but he felt it was the only way to assure the safety of his people. Later, the military came in to push the Cheyenne out. Black Kettle hoisted a white flag and an American Flag up to show peace, but it did no good. The general led the army in and massacred 130 Indians. 4 years later, Black Kettle again would have his people needlessly attacked and this time he would be killed. The general who shot him was George Armstrong Custer.

The atrocities that were committed under the name of Christ, under justice seem almost to much for me to bear. This nation that supposedly held itself to the truth that "all men are created equal" was the same that forced Indians onto unoccupied land so as not to ruin the good land that the white man called his own. It's funny to me how people to this day value diplomacy and the chance to make peace through aggreement and trust. History shows that somebody's word, sometimes, means nothing. Our faith is placed in a flag to represent trust and truth. As Reese Roper says in the song "Banner Year", "A piece of cloth can't hold your faith". How can we expect peace? How can we see promise in a handshake or a treaty, when they have been broken time and time again. I guess History tells us alot we can learn. There is no symbol, no object, no word that we speak that we can trust. Our hearts are wicked and our motives selfish. We don't give a damn about anyone or anything unless it falls in line with our needs. We need Christ! Only He can bring peace. Only He can purify hearts so wicked. Only He can bring trust between people. When will we understand. I'm not talking about religion here. I'm talking about Christ. A real relationship with the one who loves us enough to die for all sins. There is no flag that covers me. No banner or symbol that I trust or bow to. No object that has my faith. His Banner over me is Love. Amen!!

"Wave your flag, Salivate

Stirring feelings of pride and hate

A peace of cloth can't hold your faith.

No flag flies, no banner waves

See the empty pole above his empty grave

No one knows where he lies

And no one knows why he had to die.

A promise is a promise, A judge of character. His banner over me is love."

Saturday, August 12, 2006

It's the most wonderful time of the year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yep, everybody it is that time of year and no I am not talking about Christmas. IT"S FOOTBALL SEASON!!! A time where men and women of all ages and all walks of life come together bound in unity for one thing: The love of the game!
Baseball may be America's pastime, but Football is without doubt, America's Game. It stands alone as the most popular sport in this country. It even has it's own television station dedicated to giving you nothing but football, 24/7, all year round. It is a sport that allows you to dress up with the garments of your favorite team, act completely insane, and enjoy a nice, meaty bratwurst and an iced, cold beer. I almost get teary-eyed just thinking about it. The odd thing is that most of my friends do not share this interest with me. In one sense it kinda sucks, but on the other hand, it helps to show that we are not all the same. We are totally allowed to have our own interests that may or may not be shared by others. I went to the 49ers/Bears pre-season game on Friday with my brother, Graham. The Bears lost so that part wasn't fun, but Graham and I enjoyed the experience quite a bit. The adrenaline was definitely pumping as the kickoff insued, knowing that the season is finally here. The 49er fans were generally, pretty nice to us and the other Bear fans there. There were a few exceptions and I must admit I had a hard time not walking up to them and screaming, "IT'S EXHIBITION, JACK-ASS!!! After the game, you would have thought they won the Super Bowl or something. Oh well. We will meet again later in the season when the 49ers come to Chicago. I am pretty confident the outcome will not be the same. I got to talk to my brother about some important stuff in his life right now also, so in many cases, the trip was a blessing. With that I send you this last final word. Break out the buffalo wings, the ribs, the beer ladies and gentlemen, cause the season to be happy and jolly is upon us. For the next 6 months, its a football world and were all livin in it, baby!!!!

The Impossibility of Objectivity

WARNING: I include some spoiler coments in this blog that might ruin the film for you. If you are interested in watching the film, do so first before reading my blog.
I recently borrowed the film "V for Vendetta" from a friend at work. This guy liked the movie alot and wanted me to watch it so I did. The best part was I had been talking to Jordan about the movie and how much he hated it. So this was my chance to create a good discussion about the movie since I would now be able to see it for myself. My conclusion after viewing the movie was a little different than my friend, Jordan. I did not hate it. There were parts I liked and parts I didn't. I enjoyed watching it, however, because it was thought-provoking for me. Now I know I am not as intellectual as my friend, Jordan, so maybe that explains why it did so much more for me than him. What I liked about the film was the underlining point, yes Jordan, I do believe this movie had an underlining point. And that is that we should question authority and the ideals of oppression, manipulation, discrimination that can become apparent in government. We should not go through life blindfolded and fooled into thinking that government has our best interest at heart because it doesn't! In fact, we should stand up and fight for what we believe in. I want to be at the point where if the government said I couldn't worship Christ anymore or I would die, I would be able to gladly go to my death in public protest of an oppresive government. I believe this was the main point of this film, so in that I aggree. Where I disaggree is the subtle contradictions that Hollywood is oh so guilty of whenever they are making movies with a clear agenda behind it. For example, this movie, as I have stated before, is about conquering oppression, manipulation, and discrimination. Yet, the character who portrays a ruthless and diabolical dictator is portrayed as a Christian. There are several quotes, symbols, and scenes that make this clear. It is hard for me to endorse or recommend a film that blatantly discriminates against Christians, saying that Christians are all oppressive and close-minded people. Interesting that a movie with an agenda against discrimination would discriminate against a belief that many people have. Another example is the main character V. In the movie, he is the freedom fighter for justice and vengeance against the government. He is fighting against everything the government stands for: oppression, discrimination, and manipulation of the people. Yet, in one scene, he, in fact, manipulates Natalie Portman's character to conquer her fear. He puts her through hell to try and bring her to where he is mentally. These types of flaws only destroy the very agenda the movie was trying to get across. So, I would say that I aggree with my friend Jordan on most points. No, I don't think this movie is right on or think that it is full of truth. But I also don't believe it was a waste of time. I believe this movie can cause us to open our eyes to the reality and danger of an oppressive government. But more importantly, I believe it can show us that objectivity cannot exist. What may begin as a neutral story can turn into propaganda faster than you can blink! Because the reality is that we are all humans with our own opinions and perspectives on things. So when we set out to tell everyone the way things should be or the way things could be, our own contradictions will come back to bite us showing that we really had our own agenda all along. That we were only really concerned with one side of the story. In the end, the government is made up of people just like you and me, with different opinions and ideas on things. In the end, I think we will find that alot of the things we hate, the things we feel we must stand up and fight bitterly against, are in fact apart of us as well!!!