Monday, July 17, 2006

The Sun and I do not get along!!!

Well, we're back from an exciting trip to SoCal to go surfing. It was awesome. I enjoyed surfing alot, however I would like more practice next time to get better at it. It is alot harder than it looks. Unfortunately, for me, my water experience was cut short by my fair skin. The first full day, I forgot to re-apply sunscreen after being in the water. I was absolutely baked! It was hard to walk afterwards and my stomach felt like someone hit me as hard as they could with a crowbar. Aside from that, everything went great. The time spent with my brothers in Christ was, as always, a treat. It is times like these spent with friends that truly make life special. We were all very tired after 2 1/2 days that we decided to come home early. It was a smart idea because that gave us all an extra day to re-cooperate from the weekend. One thing I wanted to write about though was something I overheard today. I was shopping at a local Christian bookstore near my house looking for a birthday card for my brother. While I was browsing, I overheard a lady ask the clerk if they could help her find a church that spoke the Word the way she was used to. She went on to talk about how she thought it was wrong for Christians to just pray for people who are sick, but that we should tap into the Spirit and heal them through Jesus Christ. She mentioned some famous pastor in Georgia that influenced her. The clerk she was talking to was just nodding his head in aggreement with her saying he would do everything in his power to find a church to fit her needs. But another clerk, who was questioned by her, told her he didn't aggree with what she was saying. She was, of course, offended and started to argue with this guy. The other clerk tried to shut his partner up and help the lady and that's what really irritated me. It was so obvious to me that this guy didn't care about the lady who was obviously way off in her thinking. He just wanted her business, her money, to make her superficially comfortable enough to come back and spend more money in the stupid store. I didn't say anything, I felt it wasn't my place because I wasn't in the discussion. I try to watch what I say, but the first thing that came to my mind was how fucked up is this situation? Here is a guy who has the opportunity to love a professing believer and correct her where she is off and instead he uses her for profit. Not only that, but he tries to stop his fellow employee from doing the right thing in correcting her. It left me in disgust as I walked out, feeling like no one desires to be different anymore. To step out, in faith, against the culture of this world and be set apart as followers of Christ united in his love. I do not feel united with these people who call themselves Christians, but their actions speak otherwise. Like it or not, I believe that we are renegades for the truth in this present age. We are fighting against a Christian culture that is not set apart but is compelled by the same motive as the world, Greed! I pray that we can continue to encourage one another and hold one another accountable in love so that we will not fall to this deception. I am so thankful that God has given me eyes to see this. It gives me confidence that where he has me now is the right path.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

New Music Tuesday- 7/11/06

Sorry to all that I haven't updated in awhile. I had some family issues to deal with, but here it is one day late, your new music tuesday. I missed last Tuesday, but I think it was on purpose because all the music sucked! This Tuesday, however, does have one new release worth checking out. If you like emo with a touch of punk and even modern alternative, I think you will enjoy this CD. The Early November is a band I recently discovered and liked their sound alot. It is comparable to Jimmy Eat World but with vocals that are definitely more emo. I enjoyed their last CD The Room's too cold and was looking forward to this new one. I've listened to samples and it seems to be promising. It is entitled The Mother, The Mechanic, and the Path. The crazy thing is it is a 3-CD set that features 46 tracks. Each CD displays a different writing style as well as music. And its $9.99 at Best Buy. There is nothing I love more than good music at a good price and lots of it. While I wouldn't just run out and buy it without checking it out, this is a cd I feel confident in recommending to music listeners. Check it out.
Also, another cd you might want to try is by Fair. It is called The best-worse case scenario. It came out a little while ago, but definitely worth your attention. Aaron Sprinkle, who is the main producer at Tooth and Nail Records, formed this band and they are pretty good. If you like Death Cab for Cutie, then this is a good one for you.