Thursday, June 29, 2006
Monday, June 26, 2006
New Music Tuesday- 6/27/06

The new CD is called Dusk and Summer. It has been highly anticipated after Dashboard's very successful, "A mark, a brand , a mission, a scar". Many fans liked this album, but longed for Chris Carraba to return to his acoustic, emo roots. I partly agree with these fans. While I enjoy his electric side, I truly do miss the simplicity and beauty of The places we have come to fear the most. Unfortunately, these fans will be very disappointed. Dusk and Summer has one acoustic song on it, the self-titled one, and even that song has that "Highly Produced" sound that hurts the track more than helps it. In fact, the whole album could be looked at as "Highly-Produced". This is just a different Dashboard than we're used to. Some of the songs are definitely going to take some getting used to. With all that negativity being said, I don't hate the album. It has some great songs on it, one of which entitled "So Long, So Long", features Adam Duritz, Counting Crows lead man. And Carraba continues to grab you with his thoughtful lyrics and strong, emo voice that can't be matched. The subjects range from Seizing the day to broken love to sex, picking up where Hands Down left off. There is also a song entitled, Slow Decay, about war and how it effects individuals who make it out alive.
In conclusion, I'll say this. I like the album. I have to give more it more time to see how much, but I definitely like it. Does it come close to his last two projects? Unfortunately, No. But it does have it's own beauty that I think we'll love if we give it a chance. So, I would encourage everyone to purchase it and be patient with it. Don't expect the Dashboard of old. If you do, you will be sorely disapointed. Instead look at it with an optimistic perspective. Alas, we can always hope Carraba will pull out that dusty, acoustic guitar and give us a few more emo songs one day. Until then, I guess it all fades with Dusk and Summer.
Saturday, June 24, 2006
"Communication Breakdown"
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
New Music Tuesday!! 6/20/06
Define The Great Line: Underoath has run into soaring popularity after their last CD, They're only chasing safet

Live at the He

This Town'

So there you have it. Your new music for Tuesday, June 20th. Happy listening!!!!
Sunday, June 11, 2006
POLITICS (poop sauce) - A word that describes anything that is void of Honesty or Integrity!

Okay, I admit it. I used to love politics. I actually would watch the Fox News channel for at least 3 hours a day. I knew all the issues. You might say I was a freedom fighter for the Republican party. Defending the Right with whatever hurtful, personal cuts and slams I could think of to crush the bleeding hearts into oblivion. Trust me, I was well armed with all the evidence (or as some may call it "propaganda") to fight against the liberal way of thinking. But then something happened. I can't quite explain it. Maybe it was divine intervention or possibly just a granola bar and apple I had to snack on for a change. Whatever it was, it opened my eyes to what politics was really all about. I continue to change as I grow older and with that has come a different perspective on politics. That perspective is.... IT SUCKS!! I used to believe that everything Republicans stood for was what Jesus was all about. Liberals were sent to do Satan's work and Republicans were sent to do the mighty work of the Lord. Boy, was I wrong. Somewhere, God opened my eyes to lies I had been told. I became concerned with things like honesty and love. How to live as Christ lived. To love our enemies and care for those who persecute us. Since these things became important to me, I couldn't help but notice how disgusting politics are. Suddenly, everyone I saw on TV were hypocrites, saying whatever needed to be said to gain the votes of the public. I realized that what I had thought to be important was actually just a game in which two people deceive as many people as possible and the one with the most followers, wins. Where was the honesty, the integrity? I guess it is much easier to fool the masses than one person who knows who you are.
I think what hurt the most was that nobody cares. Politicians are only concerned about themselves, their agendas, their families, their issues, their financial stability, their religion, their lives. Why is it that we spend so much time, energy, and money on arguing over Space, war, terrorism, gay marriage, immigration control, when we could be helping so many people who need love and care here in our country and overseas. I think it is because we are fueled by hate. The issues that we fight about, the greed that we covet. Everything we find to be important is based on hatred, whether it is toward an ideal or a person. Like the cartoon above, hatred is everywhere and it causes us to be blinded to the opportunities to love those around us regardless of political views. Michael Moore is a good example. Instead of helping those less fortunate with his money and time, he spends it on bashing others with opposing views and spreading hatred against individuals. This is why I am determined to steer clear of political banter. It only fuels hatred. On the other side, Bono, the lead singer of U2, is spending his time and money with the hurting people of Africa who are suffering from starvation and Aids. He is striving to make this aware to the public and bring this concern to Congress. Though it may not do any good on a political level, I feel hope again by what Bono is doing. He realizes the need to love others and show Christ to the world. His concern is not who is the president of the U.S., or whether conservative views are being pushed on us, or how to stop liberal views from spreading through our schools to our children. His concern is how can he love those who not only need financial help, but need to see that someone out there cares about them and wants to be in their lives and help them. My prayer is that we all stop next time it seems easy to get caught up in a political discussion that turns out to be so meaningless. But that our concern would be for individuals and their hearts. I hope that we would be motivated to live as Christ lived and show compassion to the hurting and lost. Were all going to die one day. Christ is the only thing that matters. The rest of this shit is going to burn.
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
The Office

In the television world, there seems to be so much of the same monotonous crap!! Reality shows that have absolutely nothing to do with reality, BRILLIANT!! Ever since the days of Seinfeld, I have been yearning for another creative comedy. Something that seems to tickle your fancy every episode. Something you have been waiting for. Sitcoms continue to pop up everywhere only to cause you to pull your hair out and gnash your teeth, trying to figure out How in all of God's green earth could a show like this get air time? I had virtually lost all hope, until I was introduced to The Office.
Jordan first showed me a couple of episodes from the British version. I thought they were amusing, but not funny enough to be drawn in continuously. It was actually not until a few episodes into the second season did a guy from work say that I had to see this show. So, I decided to watch it and give it a chance. It was on that evening that my life changed. It was absolutely hilarious. Each character had his or her own personality that had me rolling with laughter. I was hooked and have been ever since. I have all 6 episodes of the first season on my Ipod. I actually look forward to Thursday nights just to watch the next episode. Hilarious. I can only hope they keep this show around for a long time. But, knowing the history of television here in America, it will probably be cancelled for the premier of Survivor 10: The plains of Kansas. God help us all. Anyway, take some time out on a Thursday night and tune in to NBC at 9:30. It just may give you hope again that there just might be writers in the Television business who still have a sense of humor. Hooray for The Office!