Looking for Direction
I've been thinking alot lately about my job and what the future holds for me. I have been praying about it and have gotten alot of advice from people on both sides of the argument. My struggle is to focus on what God wants, not what I want. I know that my first priority is to the Church and serving His body, but I don't want to be at a job where their just doesn't seem to be any long-term gain. I'm really close to making the decision to go back to school. But I don't want to do it, stubbornly, on my own. It is interesting to see where people turn to find direction. But what I see is more of people using something to justify whatever it is that they have already decided. I don't want to be one of those people. I want to have confidence in Christ that he will lead me where I need to go. Where I need to live, what I need to do, ect... I don't think I am there yet. Maybe I should read A Purpose-Driven Life. JUST KIDDING!! On another note, my Chicago Bears are rolling right now. Gotta big game this weekend against the Vikings. Hopefully we can keep it up. Later. DA BEARS!!!