A little let down
Okay. So I just got the new Counting Crows record and what little excitement I had for it in anticipation was kind of sunk after I listened to it. Now, I only have listened to it once and I do make quick judgements on things when I sometimes need to give them more time. So I will try to give it more of a fighting chance. But what I heard at first listen was disappointing. I would love to hear from John Knight on this one because I know he is a fan and I would like to know his opinion on the album. I think for me it is just when a band makes an incredible, life changing album, (That's right, I said Life changing), or in their case, two of them, you always keep hoping that they will bring it again and just keep getting better. Naturally, most artists who start with their best work have a difficult time repeating that genius. So I'm not surprised, just disappointed. But that being said, August and Everything After and Recovering the Sattelites were albums that forever changed the way I looked at music. The honesty and beauty of each song is like a fine wine that gets better with each sip. Because of that, they will always be one of my favorite bands. Just wanted to rant a little bit on the subject. Please comment if you feel like you can add anything to the subject. On a daydreamer's note, have you ever listened to music while looking up at the stars, either in the back of a car or lying down outside somewhere? If you haven't done it, you need to, at least once before you die. May I recommend August and Everything After. I think the album was meant for star gazing. At least daydreaming for sure! Bye for now.