Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Monday, July 13, 2009
UP, UP, and AWAY!!!!!!!!!

So, I just went to see the movie, UP, and I thought I would blog on it. Besides, it'll be a nice break from the usual, depressing entries. Although, in my opinion, it would be impossible to point out a flop by the people of Pixar, if someone ever does doubt them, they continue to serve them a large helping of crow. Once again, I left saying to myself, "That was brilliant"!! I have to admit that after "Wall-E", I wasn't sure if they could match it. To me, "Wall-E" was the pinnacle of the Pixar mountain and I would gladly continue to tip my hat to them as they entered their descent down the mountain in the years to follow, always remembering the golden years of animation. But, Behold, the ascension continues.
Up is truly a masterpiece. From beginning to end, you are sucked in to the characters, pulled by every emotion that pulls them. To me, it wasn't just a beautifully made animation film that wil entertain you. It was a story of the human condition. A story that showed in the most basic, childlike way, that life is not about the things we do but the people we do them with. How often do we race around trying to capture experiences and chasing material dreams that dissapear so fast. When we slow down enough to recognize that the dreams and experiences we should be capturing are the people we share them with, life becomes meaningful. I don't know how they do it, but they continue to raise the bar in filmmaking, not just animated kids movies, but filmmaking. What is it about these films? What is it about toys that come to life to show us no matter how different we are, we are unified in love when we work together. Or fish that teach us about love, courage, friendship and will. Or cars that help us to see the stupidity of arrogance and to find the value in helping one another, Or robots, literally machines that we have made, to wake us up and show us that love is the most important thing we have and goes deeper than any scientific neurons that help our brains or bodies to function. Or an old man, his wife, a dog, and a young boy to teach us that every moment we have to share with each other is an adventure, no matter how boring it may seem. These lessons have been recycled time and time again. Sometimes taught well, sometimes not so much. But when they are taught well, they are timeless. If only for the simple fact that we never hold onto anything and forget so easily who we are and what we're here for. Thanks Pixar, once again, for the well needed reminder. Jorb well done!!!!