Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The Taoist way or "The Way's way"

In some instances, I believe we could learn alot of the Eastern philosophies on how to live. Especially since the West has never been too keen on Humility, which is a trait we could all do good to follow. I borrowed the Tao te ching by Lao Tzu from my friend, Jordan, and I have to say, I have been enjoying it alot. Sometimes it seems too mystical to become practical, but then again, maybe that's my western influence seeping in again. It takes the art of simplicity to a new level. I think I am so intrigued by it because it's so easy to default into a controlling mode. We are so bombarded by the idea that we must take control of our lives and manipulate situations and each other to get what we want, that we don't realize we are causing more chaos then peace. Much of what I read, I loved, but one in particular stood out. Chapter 11 of the Tao struck me as very important and powerful. It says this:
We join spokes together in a wheel,
but it is the center hole that makes the wagon move.
We shape clay into a pot,
but it is the emptiness inside that holds whatever we want.
We hammer wood for a house,
but it is the inner space that makes it livable.
We work with being,
but the non-being is what we use.
This, I thought, was very inciteful. The essence of life is not what we see and use with our hands before us, but rather what we don't see that has the potential to unify us. Love, faith, selflessness, these things are pure in and of themselves. When we choose to occupy our hearts with such things, we find a sense of peace and harmony with the world. I think what I found most comforting about the Tao was it's desire to point out the importance of "non-action". In other words, allowing things to be as they are and choosing to work with nature rather than against it. This doesn't mean laziness. It merely means trusting that in all decisions you make, everything will fall into place, even if it wasn't your original plan. My one concern with the Tao is it's desire to be universal over individualistic. Not to say that it is completely impersonal, just that it focuses on the masses. When you follow the Tao, your life will effect the masses, which will in turn, effect you. So, the masses come first. Personally, I desire something more personal, something that is true because I have experienced it, not something that is hinged upon a universal idea. Unfortunately, as I am saying this, I forget what passage gave me this impression, and please if you've read the Tao and disaggree, let me know. Anyway, I still found it enlightening and comforting. I hope that I can practice many of it's truths in living. Selflessness, contentment, humility, and others are qualities that I know could make living this crazy life a little better.

Monday, July 13, 2009

UP, UP, and AWAY!!!!!!!!!

So, I just went to see the movie, UP, and I thought I would blog on it. Besides, it'll be a nice break from the usual, depressing entries. Although, in my opinion, it would be impossible to point out a flop by the people of Pixar, if someone ever does doubt them, they continue to serve them a large helping of crow. Once again, I left saying to myself, "That was brilliant"!! I have to admit that after "Wall-E", I wasn't sure if they could match it. To me, "Wall-E" was the pinnacle of the Pixar mountain and I would gladly continue to tip my hat to them as they entered their descent down the mountain in the years to follow, always remembering the golden years of animation. But, Behold, the ascension continues.

Up is truly a masterpiece. From beginning to end, you are sucked in to the characters, pulled by every emotion that pulls them. To me, it wasn't just a beautifully made animation film that wil entertain you. It was a story of the human condition. A story that showed in the most basic, childlike way, that life is not about the things we do but the people we do them with. How often do we race around trying to capture experiences and chasing material dreams that dissapear so fast. When we slow down enough to recognize that the dreams and experiences we should be capturing are the people we share them with, life becomes meaningful. I don't know how they do it, but they continue to raise the bar in filmmaking, not just animated kids movies, but filmmaking. What is it about these films? What is it about toys that come to life to show us no matter how different we are, we are unified in love when we work together. Or fish that teach us about love, courage, friendship and will. Or cars that help us to see the stupidity of arrogance and to find the value in helping one another, Or robots, literally machines that we have made, to wake us up and show us that love is the most important thing we have and goes deeper than any scientific neurons that help our brains or bodies to function. Or an old man, his wife, a dog, and a young boy to teach us that every moment we have to share with each other is an adventure, no matter how boring it may seem. These lessons have been recycled time and time again. Sometimes taught well, sometimes not so much. But when they are taught well, they are timeless. If only for the simple fact that we never hold onto anything and forget so easily who we are and what we're here for. Thanks Pixar, once again, for the well needed reminder. Jorb well done!!!!

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

If you find my brain, please let me know!!!

It happens all too often that I feel like an idiot. It just magnifies every now and then. Like now for instance. I just turned in my deposit to Sonoma State for the fall. Apparently, I must have read over the part that said it was due March 30th! (insert any frustrated expletive of your choice). I couldn't believe I was that dumb. Luckily they were really nice and they took the deposit, but now I'm on a waiting list and I don't know if I'm going to get in. Thanks alot, Self!! As if I needed another excuse to feel like shit. Stubborness and Procrastination have always been my constant companions, but why can't I learn every now and then. For once, I would love to make a mistake and never repeat it again. But I guess that is not being realistic. Speaking of being realistic, I did humor myself though by thinking if I only went to Hogwarts, I could have used a Time Turner:) Anyway, I've been thinking about God alot lately. That sounds weird, but oh well. This past year has been kinda rough in terms of faith. In fact, I 'v had to face the realization that there is none. I suppose it is due to alot of factors. Partly anger at everything religious, and partly insecurity. I really struggle with trusting anything will work out. I try to stay positive and optimistic, but when things go bad, I don't really have much optimism. The crazy thing is I have alot of friends who live it. I don't mean like an abstract idea, but actually base their life around their faith. I think I'm stuck more towards the abstract idea. But I think it's beautiful to see it in my friends' lives. I guess that does give me hope that God can rise above my hatred or lack of trust and insecurity. Because the truth is, I am, literally, a worthless waste of space without some purpose that doesn't completely depend on everything I do. Just thought I would vent some thoughts for awhile. One of these days, I will surprise you with a really happy post, maybe a picture of a kitten or a cute little baby, but not today.